About Us:

Searchfreeapp is an Internet community, which is aimed to collect and categorize truly free software. The directory is geared toward software users and enthusiasts who are looking to fill their computers and mobile devices with FREE and QUALITY games, utilities, themes, and other useful stuff. This site can also greatly help software developers to reach broad masses of users and, by submission of self developed freeware, spread the word about their brand or product. With the constantly growing amount of visitors and contributors of the project, we set our mission to provide software users and developers with the best centralized collection of quality freeware resources in the most convenient fashion. Why waste time searching through thousands of apps available in the Android store? Let Searchfreeapp do this for you! Only through Searchfreeapp can you see everything in one place and without having to do anything but be merely be guided. With Searchfreeapp, it will change forever the way you download apps! The Searchfreeapp team checks daily hundreds of new available apps available in the online store and selects only the best for you without wasting time with unnecessary or poor products. Once a day Searchfreeapp send you a notification and suggests the best free app personalized for you, this is an incredible advantage over all other users. Visit our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter Join Searchfreeapp today and download the best free apps! Searchfreeapp Team